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1 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 6:42:34am
“…”very, very specific language” to avoid flatly claiming it did.”

Otherwise known as a lie, considering it was the main focus of the story.

2 iossarian  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 7:06:53am

What a farce. The most amazing thing in all this is that there’s this coterie of Republican staffers who are apparently unable to detect satire. Decades of careful breeding to produce the ur-American male have led to this.

3 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 8:17:45am

Unless I missed this point, but why the fuck was Dan Friedman asking about non-existent groups and issues??!?

4 simoom  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 8:32:37am

So apparently Senate GOP aides are leaking inflammatory & insidious smears into RW media, who will publish anything, so that their bosses can later react with feigned concern to the controversy their own office created…

5 Dr. Matt  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 8:34:23am

re: #4 simoom

So apparently Senate GOP aides are leaking inflammatory & insidious smears into RW media, who will publish anything, so that their bosses can later comment on the controversy their own office created…

And now there is zero accountability for such reckless and irresponsible behavior on everyone involved. Pathetic.

6 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 1:41:10pm

re: #5 Dr. Matt

And now there is zero accountability for such reckless and irresponsible behavior on everyone involved. Pathetic.

Who do they think they are? Are they trying to pad their resumes for getting into big banking?

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